Wednesday, October 23, 2019

NDI and Tomas Ramos

Marvin Weissberg invited Katherine and me to NDI's annual gala..the featured guest was Trevor Noah...Katherine stayed home with L'eau...Micheal Higgins went instead...

I met Tomas Ramos...a young community advocate in the North Bronx...son of a Dominican mother, whose father was in prison for some years, mother moved 4 children to Pennslyvania to avoid drugs, sent all to college...Tomas graduated from Temple...was born at Columbia Presbyterian.

Read about him here...and his campaign for the mode of Occasio-Cortez.

Encouraging..really encouraging

I also sat with another guest ..old friend of Marvin's who I have met before but can't remember her name..who described herself as a trust fund woman...Exxon Mobile stock from Texas...which helped put her daughter through college but she has regrets about Exxon..not enough to sell the stock...

 Temple Newsam Home of the Ingram clan in lowland Scotland In 1609 King James I, successor to Elizabeth, granted the estate to his Franco-Sc...